How to lead your choice ?

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How to lead your choice?

To do the most effective communication in the human world you must be the choice, not the follower. The choice is always the priority, and following someone else is not leadership but misdirection.

The exception to this is when there is a weakness that you can exploit, or a vulnerability one can take advantage of. The weakness will be an opening that allows the other person to dig deeper and connect with you better. If you want to win by leaving them wanting more, you must be the leader and give them what they want. This is one of the secrets of leadership and, more importantly, it's the foundation for communication and leadership.

Communication is the glue that holds a group together, or a team together. Without communication the result is chaos and without communication failure and discord are always likely.

Leadership is about understanding who you are, and who you need to be to lead effectively. You must be the leader before you can learn to lead, and the only way to do this is to gain self-knowledge and learn how to lead yourself. If you don't know who you are and how to lead then you will never be able to lead others.

You have to lead yourself first, and then you will be able to lead others. Why? There are many reasons, but the most important is self-discipline.

Once you have learned how to lead yourself and can lead others, you can then follow them and then apply the same principles you learned and can apply to follow others. If you don't have self-discipline it's going to be very difficult to lead others and if you don't follow yourself, you won't be able to follow others either.

Communication is not about "communication." Communication is the bridge between you and the other person. And when the communication stops, communication fails.

Communication is also about the most effective use of energy and attention. That is where you as the leader should focus your attention. What are the strengths and weaknesses?

How to lead your choice is how to think about communication and leader coaching. Leadership is about communicating with others and making a difference.

The best leaders can communicate with their followers and allow them to grow and develop and determine their path. They are the ones who teach others and lead them, not the followers.

Communication is the last act of leadership before power and influence. It's the bridge and the foundation for the leader to be able to lead effectively and the follower to be able to follow.

You must first lead yourself and then you can create a choice for your followers to follow. If you don't know how to lead yourself, the easiest way to learn is to ask others how to lead and let others lead you.

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